The Yogini from Manila

A Failed “See-Food” Diet


Never in my whole life have I dreamt I would ever say this (and my other girl friends will KILL me for saying so…)


Probably half of those pounds lost can be blamed on my braces, I tend to think, but yoga has somehow brought my metabolism back into ACTIVE mode when, at this age of mine, it is already supposed to be slowing down.

I’m about 8 pounds away from my regular weight (pre-braces era). If you had asked me a year or two ago, I would have said that LOSING weight was more difficult than gaining weight. Not true! I have tried eating ice cream and chocolate cake (yummy Hungry Pac) as dessert. Snacked on chocolates brought in by a brother-in-law from Sydney. Ate a whole bunch of polvoron last Christmas. Finished off half a fruitcake all by myself. All I could SEE….all I could EAT…And still, I burn it up faster than I could probably digest it.

Sometimes I feel like I should NOT be working out at the gym as I will just burn away calories that I need to build up to 3,600 excess calories which will gain me that much-needed pound. But my body now looks for exercise. So…what to do?

Tried asking my yogamates how to gain weight but they just give me that look that says: “Hello!!! We are trying to LOSE weight!!!!”. So I have stopped asking them lest they throw their yoga mats at me. Sigh! I still have to find a kindred spirit….

So I am trying to look at the bright side of this whole situation by consoling myself that many people go on guilt-ridden food binges while I can do so guilt-free.

Now….my friends will REALLY KILL ME!!!!!

Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think.

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