The Yogini from Manila

Lack of Hydration = Possible Kidney Stones


I had one theory in this whole kidney stone situation which I posed to my urologist prior to being discharged:

Did my lack of hydration after doing yoga have any effect on the rapid increase in my kidney stone size?

You see, I am not a conscious water drinker. I sip water here and there but do not come close to the suggested 6-8 glasses of water a day. And yet, when I do yoga, I sweat A LOT!

The salt/water imbalance theory came to my mind as I lay on my hospital bed the night before the stone blasting procedure. If I had salt in my system as a result of natural food intake, and if more water left me as sweat, then it would surely cause the salt content in my system to increase compared to the water content, thus loading up my body with more salt than it needed!

My urologist told me there was a possible connection indeed between my stones and my lack of hydration. And tonight, as I surfed the web, I came across this site that states: ” One of the main reasons that people get kidney stones is a lack of hydration. “The solution to pollution is dilution!” You must drink plenty of water daily in order to provide your body with enough liquids to flush out your system effectively. More water may be necessary if you live in a hot or dry climate or if you work in a very hot environment.”

Another site confirms the theory, stating: ” Chronic dehydration(lack of body water) can lead to kidney stones.

  • Very hot weather,
  • Heavy sweating, or
  • Too little fluid intake contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
  • People who work outdoors in hot weather and who do not drink enough fluids may increase their risk of getting stones.”

My lack of hydration is indeed a very possible culprit.

So to those of you practicing yoga regularly and frequently and, if like me, you live in a tropical climate — take your cue from what I underwent. Drink A LOT of water after your yoga class to bring your body back into balance and flush out any elements that could cause stone formation.

My painful experience is one I hope I will never have to go through again. My goal now is to become a regular water drinker if I want to continue doing yoga and stay free of stones.

May you also stay healthy and stone-free!

Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think.

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