The Yogini from Manila

Valentine’s Day — Yoga for the Heart


It just crossed midnight a while back and though I had planned on an early bedtime, I thought of blog hopping to see if anyone had posted about Valentine’s. It so happened Nadine did and she had really great suggestions for a yoga sequence that would open up the heart chakra, appropriate for this day of hearts.

A great way I can think of to start off these asanas is with a time of extended meditation. As you sit in Padmasana, close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Calm your mind and be receptive to the love you wish to give and receive this day. Thank the Lord for all the people who have made your life meaningful and ask Him to bless your yoga practice for this day.

Follow through the meditation with these asanas suggested by Nadine:

Dynamic Tadasana –
Stand in Tadasana. Become aware of your breath, of your heart beating, of your whole system working in unity.

When you are ready, inhale to raise your arms out to the sides and up, rising on to tiptoes, bring your palms to meet overhead. Exhale to bring hands to your sides and heels to the mat.
Repeat 6 times

Warrior 1/Warrior 2 Vinyasa –
Step your left foot forward, your right foot back, aligning the feet through the midline of the body if you can.

Inhale to come into Virabadrasana 1 (Warrior 1), exhale to straighten the front leg and draw your hands to your heart in namaste.

Then inhale to come into Virabadrasana 2 (Warrior 2), exhale to straighten the front leg and draw your hands to your heart in namaste.

Cycle through this vinyasa 6 times on each side.

Sun Salutes
As many as you want, spend extra time in your lunges and upward dogs.

Then lie down in a comfortable supported backbend like Supta Baddha Konasana, sometimes known as Reclining Goddess Pose. In this position, let your breath become smooth and even, matching inhale to exhale. When you feel centred, and your breath feels steady and comfortable, imagine that you are sending love to those who need it with every exhalation, and receiving love with every inhalation. Notice who comes to mind when you think of giving love, and who comes to mind when you think of receiving love. Spend as long as you want with this imagery.

And after you are done with your asanas, go do something special for your loved ones. It could be a phone call to your father or mother (which I will do as I have been busy the past weeks to even remember to chat with my Mom). It could be warm hugs to friends or, as in my case, to my kids and hubby. It could be a text to someone dear to you, just to say he/she is remembered on this day. Or an unexpected visit.

Whatever it is that you decide to do, it will be yoga for your heart. May it always remain open to giving and receiving love unconditionally.

♥♥♥ And I am sending you all my warmest hugs and love on Valentine’s Day! ♥♥♥

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