The Yogini from Manila

Free ebook: Meta Health (3 days only)


I’ve been accumulating all these health emails for some time now and friends have related how they have gone through natural health treatments for certain medical conditions. But it was only lately when I personally began exploring more and more articles on modes of treatment and wellness other than the usual Western medicine and treatments.

Many concepts are new to me. One of the newer concepts is the use of enzymes extracted from plants to combat certain diseases. I first heard of this when I attended Mona Lisa’s raw foods workshops. She spoke of our body needing to process food consumed in order to get at the enzymes. But the quicker way is to get directly to the enzymes from plants by eating the right kind of foods and preparing them the right way.

Then in a recent yin yoga workshop with Victor Chng, I got an introduction to the concept of life energy, called chi by the Chinese and chakras by the Indians. Blockages of chi, running through the meridians of our body, cause us to get sick around the blocked areas. Yin yoga was a way of helping unblock these “passageways” and allowing chi to circulate freely.

Now comes another concept that somehow connects my strong belief that the mind, body and spirit are closely intertwined and imbalances in one manifest negatively in the others.

There is an upcoming launch this Jan. 15 of an ebook by Johannes Fisslinger called Meta Health: Decoding Your Body’s Intelligence.


This book appears to challenge what we know about what factors cause diseases. The author describes his book as one that advocates prevention of diseases. Fisslinger calls it a “new health paradigm. It will help you understand your symptoms; identify stress triggers, emotions and beliefs connected with your illness and use awareness and conscious actions for self-healing.” 

Here is a screenshot I took of the book’s synopsis as found on the Meta Health site:

Before we get ahead, please bear in mind that I have not yet read the book nor do I endorse the book’s contents as a potential cure for any medical conditions readers may have.

The reason I am blogging about it is because, from January 15-17, the author is providing 75 pages of his e-book FREE for downloading. On his site, the author is also offering the full 200 pages of his book at a discounted rate of $9.95 instead of the usual $11.95 when ordered from Amazon. He is also offering bonus gifts for those who buy the entire ebook.

Curious myself as to how Fisslinger will connect stress and our emotions to different organs of the body, I will be downloading the free 75-page ebook tomorrow and will decide afterwards whether to get the entire ebook or not.

To read more about the ebook launch on Jan. 15, click HERE

To download the free 75-page book sampler or order the $9.95 200-page full version, click HERE

Remember that the free ebook is only available for 3 days, from Jan. 15-17, 2013. If you are one of those who will download this ebook (the free or entire version), feel free to come back and post your reactions and insights. I am very interested in readers’ feedback.

Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think.

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