The Yogini from Manila

Meditation Tips for Beginners


Meditation helps me a lot during trying times when my mind is just so frazzled and stressed trying to cope with challenges that life throws my way. I’ve taken several meditation courses on different themes given online by Deepak Chopra and Oprah and find that they give me new insights each time. I’ve also been in touch with other people who have sent me their meditation courses to ask for inputs. I’m so humbled and grateful for all these people I come in contact with even if they do not know me at all. And this is where my new story begins.

A few weeks ago, Karl Burton of emailed me out of the blue to ask for some beginner tips on meditation. Take note, before that day, I did not know of him. A quick check of his website just to get a feel of what he was writing about and I sent off my tips without really knowing what the final outcome would look like. What I thought would be a simple article from random yogis and yoginis turned out to be more than I expected. Karl not only included my tips in his post but he also created a beautiful infographic that could be readily shared (I am posting it at the bottom).

But…that was not what really blew me away. The other people Karl asked to contribute to his article were names and websites I knew only too well — names like Leo Babauta (author of Focus and The Power of Less, among others), Sadie Nardini (well known yoga teacher), Gaiam TV (I love them!), Elephant Journal (I super love them too!),, and more. Oh wow, to be quoted alongside these people I consider VIPs is overwhelming! And one that inspires me to do even more with this yoga blog. Please… leave me comments and tell me what you want to see here.

To read the full article with our Meditation Tips for Beginners, click HERE.

Here’s the infographic made by


Meditation tips for beginners by



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