The Yogini from Manila

Synchronicity is real

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Have you ever encountered incidents that you’d brush off as coincidences? You badly need financial assistance and suddenly someone comes to pay a debt you forgot about and the amount is exactly what you needed? Or you dreamt of receiving a letter from someone and a few days later, the letter arrives? Or you have been thinking of someone you haven’t seen in a long time and suddenly you bump into her or get a call from her out of nowhere? Or you often see repeating numbers like 1111, 1212, 434, 2222 in different places? It is so easy to dismiss these incidents as “coincidences” but they are not.

It’s synchronicity.

Wikipedia describes synchronicity as “…a concept, first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.”

Meaningful coincidences. The operative word is meaningful. There is a relevance. A relationship. A connection.

It has been over a decade now that I have been experiencing these occurrences.  I met a stranger and connected instantaneously. We discovered we were connected to mutual friends, had similar life experiences, liked the same things, and even bought the same stuff. It was both eerie and amazing all at the same time. When a family member became seriously ill, we experienced so many events that were so well-timed that I could no longer dismiss them as just coincidence. Two examples. One, the right doctor was having dinner with a family member at the exact moment a medical emergency happened. Two, being Catholic, we were awed by special encounters in the hospital from saints. Their relics were brought to us by a friend. How did we meet this friend? We were introduced to him months before the hospitalization by a family member who happened to be his seatmate on a plane. That is divine arrangement!

The Universe is constantly messaging us, just as our own body ‘talks’ to us in ways that we are not even aware of. For many years now, repeating and consecutive numbers have also manifested daily in my life. I’d look at a clock randomly. 11:11. A few hours later, I’d check the time again. 1:11. Yesterday, as I was blogging, I glanced at my phone’s clock. 4:44. These happen everywhere and not just with clocks. I see repeating numbers on license plates, game scores, official receipt numbers, a queue number. It gets crazy like that. Two years ago, I tried logging each instance when I’d see these repeating numbers. I eventually stopped. There were just too many to record!

WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. Synchronicity is REAL! It has been happening to me EVERY DAY! And I am sure it is also happening to each one of you daily. We are just not conscious of them. The connections are there, both on the physical and energy levels.

I now believe that the notion that life events are mostly random, isolated, and disconnected is a myth. There is ORDER and PURPOSE in everything, whether the event is positive or negative. As humans, we will always try to find explanations that we can understand logically and grasp with our human experience. As one trained in numbers, I am always tempted to make sense out of these synchronicities. I have tried for a long time to figure out those that really spooked me out because of how amazingly parallel and resonant they were but rational explanations always escaped me. I finally accepted that the answer does not lie in what is logical and rational but in something beyond the three-dimensional human experience. The question that we probably should ask is not “Why did it happen to me?” but rather “What is the message for me? The lesson I need to learn?”

The tapestry of life weaves the past, present and future into one huge design which only the Divine One sees completely. Each one of us is a thread in that tapestry and oftentimes, our view is simply that of our limited surroundings. We can only see as far as some of the threads around us. Anything that we do with our thread affects the entire design. Likewise, actions taken by the other threads affect us, even if we do not see it right away. When we are ‘woven’ in a way that is contrary to where we want to go, we resist. We cannot see our place in the big scheme of things. But if we allow ourselves the leeway to take a deep breath, accept ‘what is’ as part of a bigger plan, rest in the knowledge that a higher divine being knows everything because He is the God of past, present, and future, it becomes that much easier to just let go and flow.

I’m reminded of this beautiful poem from Corrie ten Boom:

“Life is but a Weaving” (the Tapestry Poem)

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.

Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.

Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned

He knows, He loves, He cares;
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the choice to Him.

Have you had similar synchronicities happen to you? Please leave me a comment. I am very much interested in finding kindred spirits.


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