There. I finally said it. Today, I am taking the first step to be certified as a yin yoga teacher. From my first yoga class in 2006, this is where the universe is bringing me.

July 3, 2014
by Yogajane
July 3, 2014
by Yogajane
There. I finally said it. Today, I am taking the first step to be certified as a yin yoga teacher. From my first yoga class in 2006, this is where the universe is bringing me.
June 15, 2014
by Yogajane
1 Comment
Let me first tell you a short story. I took ballet lessons as a young girl under my tita and her daughter in the province. For many years, I wore flat ballet shoes in class as I moved from the … Continue reading
May 27, 2014
by Yogajane
1 Comment
“Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision is a nightmare.” ~ Japanese proverb Right after Victor Chng’s Yin Yoga Intensives, my doctor friend Kit posted this on our yin yoga group: How has the recent visit of … Continue reading
April 18, 2014
by Yogajane
Next month (May 2014), my yin yoga teacher from Singapore, Victor Chng, will be coming again to hold a series of workshops in different places.
January 15, 2014
by Yogajane
“I want to try yoga. Can you suggest what style is best for me?” It’s pretty tough when you need to face such a question because there is not just one style of yoga nor any one “best” style. Way … Continue reading
August 13, 2012
by Yogajane
Yoga means to unify — and it unifies everything that represents us to make a whole. And if our wholeness consists of a yin (passive, serene, quiet) side, surely the other half is yang (active, flowing, moving). For many, many … Continue reading
August 10, 2012
by Yogajane
1 Comment
The strong rains could not dampen the enthusiasm of some bloggers and runners who came to the Beyond Yoga studio last August 3. Ria and I had organized a free yin yoga class for them with Dona as teacher but … Continue reading
April 7, 2012
by Yogajane
Can I do yoga even when I’m pregnant? This is a question that I have been asked more than once. This one is difficult to give a categorical YES to because every pregnancy is different and each woman’s body reacts … Continue reading
December 11, 2011
by Yogajane
There’s something about going upside down that changes your perspective of things. Suddenly the whole world looks different from down there. Things that were unnoticeable as they were close to the ground now take on new meaning. However, more than … Continue reading
February 12, 2011
by Yogajane
Up until the other day, my yoga practice has been one I’d call fairly active. My yoga experience began under a hatha vinyasa teacher. When I had to go to Makati for part-time consultancy in late 2007, I tried ashtanga … Continue reading