There. I finally said it. Today, I am taking the first step to be certified as a yin yoga teacher. From my first yoga class in 2006, this is where the universe is bringing me.

July 3, 2014
by Yogajane
July 3, 2014
by Yogajane
There. I finally said it. Today, I am taking the first step to be certified as a yin yoga teacher. From my first yoga class in 2006, this is where the universe is bringing me.
June 15, 2014
by Yogajane
1 Comment
Let me first tell you a short story. I took ballet lessons as a young girl under my tita and her daughter in the province. For many years, I wore flat ballet shoes in class as I moved from the … Continue reading
May 27, 2014
by Yogajane
1 Comment
“Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision is a nightmare.” ~ Japanese proverb Right after Victor Chng’s Yin Yoga Intensives, my doctor friend Kit posted this on our yin yoga group: How has the recent visit of … Continue reading
April 18, 2014
by Yogajane
Next month (May 2014), my yin yoga teacher from Singapore, Victor Chng, will be coming again to hold a series of workshops in different places.
August 13, 2012
by Yogajane
Yoga means to unify — and it unifies everything that represents us to make a whole. And if our wholeness consists of a yin (passive, serene, quiet) side, surely the other half is yang (active, flowing, moving). For many, many … Continue reading
August 10, 2012
by Yogajane
1 Comment
The strong rains could not dampen the enthusiasm of some bloggers and runners who came to the Beyond Yoga studio last August 3. Ria and I had organized a free yin yoga class for them with Dona as teacher but … Continue reading
February 12, 2011
by Yogajane
Up until the other day, my yoga practice has been one I’d call fairly active. My yoga experience began under a hatha vinyasa teacher. When I had to go to Makati for part-time consultancy in late 2007, I tried ashtanga … Continue reading