The Yogini from Manila

Is Your Exercise Program Right For You?


I came across these questions in My Yahoo! and thought of posting it here. If you are in an exercise regimen, ask yourself these:

1. Do I look forward to this? (hey, no point in pursuing an activity that you have to drag yourself out of bed for, right?)

2. Do I enjoy doing it? (is it enjoyable while you do it? if it’s a solo program, does it make you want to come back to it day after day? if it is an exercise with friends, do you have fun together?)

3. Do I feel good afterward? (this was my ultimate test in choosing yoga — not only did I sleep well on my first night after doing yoga, I continue to feel good now — inside and out!!)

If you answered YES to all three, you’re likely to continue on doing whatever it is you are now doing. I checked my yoga program against all three and the verdict is ….


P.S. Good luck to you too!

Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think.

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