The Yogini from Manila

This yogini loves the HeadWare


When I received two samples of the HeadWare I honestly did not know what to make of it.

But as I turned it around and saw the diagrams at the back, I became excited to try it out. There were at least 12 ways to wear this thing!

Opened, this is what it looks like.


How it looks straight out of the pack


The HeadWare scarf opened up fully

And when I insert my arm into it, you can see its tubular shape (it’s about 50cm by 25cm).


How the tube scarf looks

A HeadWare scarf is made of 100% polyester microfiber. It’s breathable, stretchable and seamless. The instructions say it can be hand or machine washed warm with gentle, mild soap. No fabric softener (that could affect its elasticity). And here are more NO’s: no bleach, no dryer, no iron. There…it’s simply wash and wear!

My first thought was: Oh, wow. It’s cool for my yoga classes. Keeps my long hair tamed and away from my face!

But afterwards, I realized it actually has more uses than just a yoga accessory. During these hot, summer days I can actually use it as a scarf to cover my head from the searing sun’s rays. And, being someone terribly allergic to dust, it can actually convert into a dust mask! And when I get tired of having it on my head, I can just pull it down and it makes a great neck decor as well!

So far, here’s what I’ve been able to do with it.


I have a scrunchie but sometimes my front curls get in the way. This headband solves that!

The Pirate look is perfect for days when I want my hair hanging loose

It's a Scrunchie too!


As a neck scarf, it's a great fashion accessory too!


Wearing my HeadWare as a wrist band at the Yoga in the Wild book launch


Found this video on YouTube. Watch it. It’s a great way to be introduced to HeadWare:



I’m going on a trip soon and will spend lots of time outdoors. You bet, my HeadWare scarves will be with me!

The HeadWare



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