The Yogini from Manila

Free digital Yoga Journal for April-May 2012


Yoga Journal does it again! Their LiveMag section now makes the April-May 2012 issue of Yoga Journal available as a digital, TREE-FREE issue!

I’ve long been wishing that all issues of Yoga Journal go digital. Being in Asia makes it expensive to have these issues shipped to me versus getting it in digital format.

In the past, I’d buy back issues from book retailers here in Manila but after a while, the magazines add to my growing stack of books gathering dust in corners. I also don’t always chance on all the issues so there would be missing months. And it also uses up more trees.

With so much focus on climate change, it is clear that trees are becoming a central force in many green issues. The more things we can do digitally can also spare the trees.

Admittedly, I still love reading books in print form and it’s taking a while for me to revert to e-books. But I know that slowly, I’d have to in order to spare the cutting down of trees for paper.

I’m hoping that Yoga Journal’s LiveMag whets your appetite for more yoga info in digital form. Isn’t it actually better to see a moving video of how to get into a pose rather than read paragraphs and paragraphs giving the same instructions?

Read this Yoga Journal issue on your computer or handheld device by clicking HERE.

Kudos, Yoga Journal, for making this environment-friendly move. Those of us who are far from mainland USA appreciate this convenient and Earth-friendly move.


Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think.

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